Thursday, January 13, 2011


Well, our boy turned two yesterday! It is hard to believe that he came to us 7 months ago barely walking and saying only one word... He has come SUCH a long way!! He LOVES being outside in the snow, at the park, taking a walk, anything outside!! He went sledding for the first time last week a LOVED it!!! I was a bit surprised as he HATES swinging. We are wondering if he may have been left in swings as an infant?? ANyway, Tru also loves to play cars in the kitchen...he pushes them Faaaaaast!!! :D His favorite thing is any nerf gun he can get his hand on!! When he finds one it's a long day for all of us as he can't quite cock it himself yet! :D He spent hours this Christmas playing with the nativity set and loves to pray and read books...on his own and with me. His second favorite thing is sword/light saber has taught him well!! :D He is a great eater and has only just recently become more picky (and holding food in his mouth forever before swallowing...uggg!!). He is starting to exert his independence right on time, apparently!! :D He has been really using words more and more since we have gotten tips to help him from the speech gals. Hopefully soon he will start therapy for that...(and play therapy too as he still struggles with visits). He is SO happy every morning when he wakes up!! He does best with early to bed, early to rise. He loves to go play with friends at M&B, CBS, AWANA and Gymboree!! Yesterday he had so much fun passing out birthday treats to all his friends!! :D I think he really knew yesterday was his BIG day!! He learned to associate 2 with him and even hold up 2 fingers (we worked for days before on that...) Grammy got him nativity nesting dolls for Christmas as he loves auntie Kimmy's so much and they ARE a big hit. He has an engineering mind to be sure. We also find him "dressed up" lots...he adds hats, beads, bigger shoes, headbands... whatever he finds. He is always cracking us up!!! What an absolute delight he is!!! We are so blessed to have him a part of our family for this time. We are trusting God for his future!!!