Friday, November 7, 2008

Our Home is Shappin' Up...

Hi ya'll! I am so addicted to facebook now that I have neglected all of you on the blog...sorry! Here is the update... Greg has got the house looking quite spiffy!! I will post b4 & after pics as soon as our new furnature gets delivered (Monday am I think...). He finished up the paint today in the living/dining room. I look forward to being able to unpack the rest of the boxes now and being all settled. We have a little birthday bash planned 4 Kymi on Tuesday evening...can u believe our baby girl will be 4 years old??? The time has flown by!!! Both kids are praying 4 a new baby brother (or sister) in earnest and we are praying more than Greg probably. I just think there are so many kids out there who need a good, safe, loving home... Anyway...any ideas? We would love 2 hear them!! Can u tell which family member is which in M&M??? Probably pretty easy, huh!!!? That was sure fun to do!! ANway, Love 2 all and I promise 2 post sooner than later next time...

1 comment:

CarJax said...

That is so cool. Can't wait to see the pics. What new furniture are you getting? That sounds exciting.