Monday, December 22, 2008

10 Honest Things About Me...

I was given the task of writing 10 Honest Things About Me...I have put it off for a few days for two reasons...first, there is probably very little friends don't already know about me as I tend to blab alot and second the things people don't know; why would they want to...and, will they still like me if they do?? But, in this season of intropection and growth for me I choose to give it a go. At this point I have no idea what I'll write...hopefully you won't be too bored (or too shocked). Well Trudy, this one's for you...

1. I am scared about a few things right now...the way my body is changing and my moody swings, our family members who don't know Jesus, the future of our country, the abortion issue...

2. I want another baby. It is a deep longing in my heart.

3. I do NOT like to clean my bathrooms!! I dread it each time it needs to be done. I have to pray that God give me the right heart and spirit to do it as service to my family and to help me do it with joy EACH time.

4. I still miss my Gram!!

5. I get really angry when people treat me like I am stupid or don't trust my word.

6. Once someone is special to my heart...they always are! (Even though I am terrible at keeping in touch sometimes...)

7. My kids come first in my life all too often since they need so much of me still... I want to have Jesus be my focus every moment and have so much energy and cuddles left for my sweet husband at the end of each day.

8. I love tradition yet am always looking for a new fun thing...

9. I love recipes!

10. My toes are always painted...usually red, they have been since I was a kid and made a
"never be without polish" pact with my sister Kim.

Now I pass on the torch to: Jax, Barb & Monica...


CarJax said...

I liked this post, Tammy. But if I have misled you to believe that I am honest, I apologize right here and now. LOL! Be watching for my reply in your email in box. :D Hugs! Jax

littleboyblue said...
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littleboyblue said...

Hey Jackie, you can;t just send it to Tammy.

I will think about my honesty while having my stress test done, then post them in this comment section.

I also think this is a great post, it has gotten me to think, even early in the morning.


**sorry, had to delete a post, it had a goofy word attatched to the end, probably the word verification, so I just got rid of it.

Trudy said...

I am with you on #1. It's driving me crazy!! I think it is because of #2. Although #3 runs amuck in my house too! #10 is the only thing I can't say, Me too!
Miss ya lots!