Saturday, December 20, 2008

Baking Fun :D

Kymi and I had such a fun day of baking!! (Do you notice my wonderful addition to my kitchen?? Makes baking a breeze!!) David came home from school and enjoyed being an official taste tester... Also, check out the cute little Alaska tree we are enjoying this year...


snowwhite said...

Beautiful snow pictures Tammy. Kymi looks like she is enjoying helping you bake,especially the tasting. I like the string of paper dolls that David is holding. Looks like another nice homemade decoration for your little AK tree. I think I will have Grace cut some out when I have her tomorrow. It looks like we are getting another round of snow tonight and tomorrow, so it might also be a good baking day for me and Grace. Definitely very
Christmassy weather. Your kitchen looks great and so does that mixer!
Also thanks for your uplifting e-mail Tammy.
Love and hugs to all,

Margi said...

Darling pictures of the kids! What is an Alaska tree? I love your mixer Its on my wish list also! Love Margi

Trudy said...

Glad you got your mixer! Did you find a grain supplier yet? Love ya! THanks for the pictures of the kiddos and the beautiful card! We miss you!!