Saturday, December 20, 2008

Colorado frosty trees...


CarJax said...

Wow. Seems like everyone is getting snow! Makes for some pretty pictures though. Finally got my Christmas cards done and will be going in the mail tomorrow. At least they are being mailed before the 25th. That's pretty good for me, sad to say. :D Hugs 2 you and your sweet ones! Jax

P.S. It was fun peeking into the classrooms today and watching all the kids celebrating with birthday parties for Jesus (cakes, crowns, crafts, etc.) It was so sweet. Missed you and little Kymi in the preschool department!

Unknown said...

Miss the pondarosa pine trees; love the pictures you took!

Tammyz said...

Thanks, guys!!!

I am excited to take the photography class Greg got me for Christmas!! More great pics 2 come! :D