Friday, December 12, 2008

David's African Market Day @ School...

This was a big week for our David!! He was STAR of the week and got to share a report about himself and tell all about the pictures and other things he brought in to decorate the class STAR board... AND the entire 2nd grade participated in an African Market as the end to their study of Africa. Each child made an artifact and could trade it in the end, they (and we :) sampled African food and shared their reports on African animals. David chose the elephant & did an excellent job of collecting facts and reporting. He also made a toy car just like the kids in Kenya do as they do not have any other toys to play with. It was a wonderful time and experience!!

1 comment:

CarJax said...

Such great pictures Tam! Yeah David! You are a star in our family too! And Keaton loves elephants and chose to do a report on them in elementary school as well. Our boys are 2 peas in a pod. And neither are "forceful". :D Love 2 all, Jax