Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jesus 2008!!

What a FABULOUS Day!!! Some of the highlights were...Starting out the day with our traditional treasure hunt about what God wants for Christmas (your right...YOU!!! :D), Kymi using a whole big bottle of sprinkles for the mini Birthday cakes for Jesus, the kids giving all the gifts they each picked out, paid for and wrapped all by themselves! David getting a guitar with lessons from Grammy & Grampa, AND a DS from us (yes, I caved!), presents from "home", a handpainted family sign from Gams (what a talent!!) for our new home, FULL stockings, 12 complete car washes AND a photography classes for Mama, yummy food...including a peach pie ala Mama, Grammy & Grampa with us, singing to our Savior, Kymi caring for Skippy Jon Jones all day in her new baby care station, Casting Crowns Christmas CD in the background, phone calls to loved ones not here with us and happy but pooped people at the end of a glorious day! We are truly BLESSED!!!


Unknown said...

Looks like you and your family had a fun time. Emily and I had a fun evening spent at Carl and Jackie's home, they were kind to invite us over to their open house Christmas evening. We had a blast!

Tammyz said...

Oh, how fun!! Did you play the wii?? Happy New Year!!! :D

CarJax said...

I love all your pictures, Tammy! Your family is so precious. So glad you had a wonderful Christmas. Love U, Jax

P.S. We loved having you over Armin and Emily. What a fun bunch!