Friday, December 12, 2008

The kids favorite Christmas tradition...Cinnamon Bear!!

Aren't they just the cutest??!!!!


CarJax said...

That's one of our favorites too!! Last night we listened on my bed after Parent's Night Out.

CarJax said...

Will Judy and Jimmy ever get their star back?? Stay tuned...

Auntie M said...

Hey Tams! I love all your pictures. I sure miss you guys. Anika said she loves your red chair and ottoman that the kids are on...and wishes we had one. Remember how I was bragging about not having any sinus problems since we got the fake tree? Well this morning I have a doozy of a sinus headache, and withOUT the fresh evergreen smell in the house. Were the kids watching Cinnamon Bear or is he talking only? Love ya!

Keaton said...

We do that tradition every Christmas year! But we are a little behind...:)

Tammyz said...

HA!! Keaton, David & Kymi have the opposite problem every year...thay love it so much, they get ahead. They even listen to their favorites MANY times!! But, they do wait for the last one until Christmas Eve and then they are all done and are bummed to have to wait a whole more year to listen again...

Monica, it is only listening...but, their imaginations are a-working the whole time they listen...intense! :D You tell Annika that the red chair is hers to sit in the whole time she is here to visit!! I hope your sinus' are better, Friend!!!