Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Simple Devotion

For Today...

Dear Lord,

I bring you my shortcomings...Lord, I am so moody these last two days! Please forgive me for being short and impatient with my family. I want to be gentle with my words and slow to anger as Your Word says...

I bring you my worship and praise... Father, You are such a great gift giver!! Thank You for my friend Mary's clean bill of health. Thank You for the beautiful sunshine and Your awesome creation all around me. You are faithful, Your mercies new every morning! You are gracious, kind and patient with me. I praise Your holy name!

I bring you my prayer...for the Turners, Lord! Please meet their every need as only You can. For my head and my moods, please heal them. And finally, for an addition to our family...that You would work out all the details. Thank You!!

You spoke to me...
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.


Christine said...

I just saw this post from my sis in laws blog and am thrill to see these Simple devotions spreading on blogs! I love yours and I was wondering if you are talking about Brother Lee Turners Health? He has been on our hearts, minds and prayers here. What an awesome man of God!

Your devotion is beautiful, thank you for sharing here! God bless you and your family =O)

Tammyz said...

Hi Christine!
Thanks for your encouragement!! I love looking at your blog! You inspire me with your energy, devotion to your family and great ideas. I have also enjoyed looking at some of the other blogs you have listed...The Simple Woman has been such refreshment to my soul at this season in my life. Thank you for sharing that!

I was not talking about Brother Lee Turner...but the Kelly Turner family from Anchorage...

God bless you and your beautiful family this Christmas season with a treasure trove of new memories and simple moments of connecting with our Jesus!

Christine said...

You are welcome to visit anytime and take what you want. I love the Simple woman blog...the the Simple Woman Day has been fun to do and I just did my first devotion today. I was excited when I saw yours on Jackies page! Please fell free to stop in anytime and say hi...would love to see ya. I will try and keep up here and check in with ya. Your family is adorable and I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas! =O)

CarJax said...

Hi Tam, I love the new look. :D Also, love this post. You have such a beautiful way of sharing your heart on "paper". We missed you tonight dear friend. Next time you are gonna have to book your flight early and come HOME for the party. LOVE U! Jax

P.S. I'm gonna have to get on the Simple Woman blog here real soon.

Hi Chrissy! Fun seeing you here too. Hugs!