Thursday, January 1, 2009

HAPPY 2009!!!! :D

One of my goals for 2009 is to become a bread maker...grind my own grain you see my first attempt. Greg has another marathon in his sights. David just wants to play as much wii as possible (which isn't as much as he would like with this mama!!) you can see, he has sucked Grammy right in...look at those "game faces"!! Kymi would like to drink soda every chance she gets!! :D Ringing in 2009 was fun for Greg and I at the Grafton's party and for the kids with Grammy at home...Kymi did not make it (I think she had too much to drink!!) Happy New Year Everyone!!! xoxoox


CarJax said...

Happy New Year sweet Z family! We looooooove you!! Jax & fam

Tammyz said...

We LOOOOOOOVE you all too!!! Happy New Year right back at ya!! Tam & fam OXOXOOX

Unknown said...

Boy that bread sure loooooks good!

Tammyz said...

It was!! I was so proud!! Next time you come to visit I will make you some, Armin & Emily!! :D

littleboyblue said...

Happy New Year to you also! Kymi and Lindsey must be on the same track. Monica said Lindsey fell asleep right before midnight.

Yummy bread. I love homemade bread. I've never gone so far as to grind my own flour, but I love homemade bread. I will be looking for some when we come visit this summer!!

Tammyz said...

Yes, Barb!! Hopefully by then I will be more accomplished...