Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hi Friends & Fam!

Just a quick post to ask you to pray for my extended family during this grieving time for them... My 46 year old cousin died very unexpectedly day before yesterday. He left 2 teenage girls who witnessed his death. I am not sure of all the details yet, but, just wanted to get the word out so you could pray. My Auntie's youngest son was killed in a motorcycle accident about 8 years ago and now this son is gone too... She loves Jesus and your prayers would be felt and be such an encouragement to her!! Thank you, dear ones!!


Unknown said...

We will be praying! It is not easy losing someone you love.

littleboyblue said...

What a heartache. I will be praying, especially for his children.

Tammyz said...

Thanks, Friends!! I appreciate your prayers and thoughtful words!! God Bless!!

CarJax said...

Hi Tam, I am just seeing this and I am so sorry that this has happened. I will definitely be praying too. Love U, Jax