Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MLKJ Day @ the Zoo. FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!!!

Hello Everyone!!
How are you this fine day?? Just thought I would share a few photos of our fabulous, sunshiny day at the zoo yesterday... Isn't my husband a nut!!?! Too funny! Please join with me today in praying for our new president and for our country. May God be glorified!!!


CarJax said...

Hi Tam! I love all these pictures...and yes, your husband is a nut. hee hee. I am praying with you for our new President and our nation. 1 Chron. 29:11 Love U, Jax

Tammyz said...

Thanks, Friend!! LOVE the verse...perfect reminder for me today!! Blessings on your day!!

snowwhite said...

Love the picture of Greg and the bear, Tammy. Also great pictures of David and Kymi. You are quiet the photographer!

CarJax said...

Hi Tam, I'll bet you are seriously thinking of blogging again soon, huh? hee hee. Hey, "snowwhite" brought something to mind. Will you remind me what kind of camera you have? I want to upgrade (not sure if now is the time) and I love your pictures. HUGS! Jax