Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Favorite Valentines!! XOXOXOX

We have had a great celebration of love this weekend!! Last night we had a blast attending a Flat Stanley play downtown... complete with brownies and milk at the end. This morning Greg made breakfast and passed out his Valentines cards (homemade!! :D) and presents. We all went to the movies and munched on popcorn. For dinner we had & sour soup YUM, my favorite!! The kids and Greg peeked in their special treat bags from Mama with dinner. We ended the evening with a rousing game of Wii golf (Papa & I lost BAD!!!), stories & prayers. I loved our family day together!! I think we will have fondue tomorrow with Grammy & Grampa...this love celebrating is too much fun to stop!! XOXOOX


Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Hi...thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm just tickled to discover yours and will put it in my reader right now! Glad you had a fun Valentine's Day.

Christine said...

My kind of day...everyday! Happy belated Valentines day! Was fun having little brother Carl home for a week end!

CarJax said...

What a great day and I love all the pictures! You are all sweet valentines in my book. Have a great week! Blessings & love, Jax

P.S. Tam, you'll have to take a look at my new blog background. It reminds me of your rose picture here. :O)

CarJax said...

P.S.S. I love your new background!