Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Struggles of a Foster Mom...

Wow!! What an amazing journey this foster parenting has been!!! Exhausting, invigorating, stressful, rewarding, painful, wonderful, full of love and concern... They dump massive amounts of information on you over an 8 week training period and it isn't enough!! I mean, it totally helps to have their incredible support as you muddle through piles of paperwork, crazy emotions, system failings... They cannot prepare you for the great love you have for these precious kids, that your protective mothering wants NOTHING less then the VERY best for them. It has been hard. My knees are worn out from crying out to the Father on their behalf. I know too much, yet, I know too little. I am scared that I haven't been able to do enough! I don't want them to precious boys...yet, they will go. "God fill in the gaps, sooth hurting hearts, prepare us, protect these boys even when I can't...I KNOW you love them far greater than I can and that they were/still are in our home by Your design. I choose to trust them to Your PERFECTLY capable hands!!! Please help me to rest in You alone."


CarJax said...

And thank you, loving Father, for my precious friend and sister, Tammy, who LOVES and then LOVES some more. Bless her and her family...those that stay and those that do not. Help them all to know in their hearts, minds and souls the height and depth of your LOVE for them!

I love you, Tam. Keep running the good race. God is holding you up as you love His little ones.

Tammyz said...

I love you, my Friend!!! Thank you for your wonderful prayers!!! <3

Trudy said...

Holy Toledo!! I had no idea you had gotten kids yet! We will be praying as your family grows. ;~)