Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lawrence Visit = MUCH FUN!!!!

We had SO much fun visiting our longtime AK friends at their new Boise home!!!! David was in HEAVEN and never stopped beaming!! Later he said he was so surprised at how different thay all we! He said," Maurissa is so tall and not a kid anymore, Kyle has different actions, Bill is not such a bowl full of spit and vinegar, and Curtis was pretty much the same" (although I think Curtis is the most changed...so tall and confident...big boy!). I asked if Sandy was different and he said, "Yea, she must be taller too...there was definately different!" (She is tiny now with all her weight loss!) Kids are so funny!! All we did was visit, play and eat (Sandy made all kids of Double Musky desserts!!) It was a WONDERFUL time and they all seem to be doing so ery well there in Boise!

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