Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Grammy & Grampa celebrate 47 years together!! WOW!

WOW!!! What a FANTASTIC night of celebrating my parents 47th Anniversary!! We welcomed them to the "Zydonis Zesty Palace" for a yummy dinner including filet mignon, baked regular & sweet potato, grilled asparagas, appetizers, and wedding cake for dessert. David & Kymi put on a play about the stories they love about Grammy & Grampa's life too. It was a hit!!


CarJax said...

What a nice celebration! Good job Zesty Zydonis Team! Happy Thanksgiving all!! Love, Jax

snowwhite said...

Congratulations to your parents, Tammy. I'm sure it meant a lot that you,Greg, David and Kymi are there to celebrate with them. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Tammyz said...

Thanks guys!! It was SO fun and my parents loved it!

Tammyz said...

Thanks guys!! It was SO fun and my parents loved it!