Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our Baby has turned FOUR!!!

Kymi is a big girl now...or so she declares!! We had the perfect "Fancy Nancy" (her favorite book character at the moment...and Greg says she's a tomboy! ha!!) all set to go and then Mama got a double whammy...sinus infection AND strep...needless to say, the party was postponed!! Grammy & Grampa saved the day though and still came 2 help celebrate (I guess they figured that they brought my diseased ridden body into the world they could face the germs...). I had prepared all the food in advance so they still had a nice meal with all Kymi's requests and strawberry fluff for dessert. There was dinner with lots of singing and praises heaped upon the birthday girl and then a rousing game of red light/green light. I can hardly believe my beautiful baby gilr is four years old already!!! "Thank you Jesus for the precious gift of our Kymi!! Bless the Mama who lovingly gave her to the family You meant for her to have!!"


Auntie M said...

I absolutely LOVE that baby er, uh, I mean BIG girl!!!! We so miss her and wish we could have been there to celebrate with you all. Lindsey especially misses her and doesn't understand why Kymi cannot come over to play. We love you guys! Jared misses his friend David too! Hope you're feeling better Tams!

Tammyz said...

Love your call sign...auntie m...very cute!! Yes!! We wish we could have had you all here to help celebrate our big girl!! We miss you all so much! I am feeling much better...thank you!! Uncle Gweg is fast approaching the bis 5-0, huh?!!! What are you doing to celebrate??

CarJax said...

Oh Praise Jesus indeed. Makes me want to cry. Kymi is so beautiful and dear. I miss you guys!! Happy Birthday Sweet Birthday Girl!! Love 2 all, Jax

snowwhite said...

Great pictures of the family, Tammy. Sorry you got sick, but it looks like Kymi had a good 4th B'Day. She is a beautiful little girl and a great gift for your family. David looks very handsome in his picture as well. Your house looks comfy.
I'm off to Tacoma to see my mom today. I'm having to leave this gorgeous weather for the cold, wet weather of Washington. Not happy about that, but it will be nice to visit my mom.
Love and hugs to all,

littleboyblue said...

Wish I could have been there to play red light green light. Looks like you had a blast Kymi, Grandmas are great aren't they.

Welcome Auntie M to the board. Glad you could join us.

Tammyz said...

Thanks Gams! I am on the mend so we will try the Fancy Nancy party again soon...Have a good trip to see your Mom and please send her our best. I am sure she will be so blessed by your visit!! I will hope that your weather is still nice when you return 2 CA. Please give everyone our love! oxoxox

Tammyz said...

oh, hi Barb!! I did not see u at first...when u come we will play red/light green/light!!! :)