Sunday, February 1, 2009

The AWANA Grand Prix 2009

What a great night for the Zydonis family!! The AWANA Grand Prix was SO fun!! David and Greg worked feverishly to make the perfect racer and WOW!!!! David had three 1st Place wins and one 2nd Place!!! The pictures say it all!! :D


The Montagles said...

CONGRATULATIONS David and Greg too...Briahna and I love to read your "canubelieveit" pages...She talks about Kymi and David alot and we misses you all...Thanks for keeping this always up to date, we enjoy it! Big Hugs FRIENDS! Love, Debbie and Briahna

Tammyz said...

Hi FRIENDS!!!!! SO great to see you on here!! I am glad you enjoy the updates...I like doing them! :D Now I would love to see yours!!!! :D Thank you for your sweet, encouraging words!! Big hugs right back to you...we miss you much!! I LOVED your Christmas update!! How very cool about Roberts daughter being reunited with the family!! :D Love you guys!

snowwhite said...

I loved that last picture of David and Kymi! Did Greg help build the car? Looks like a lot of fun for the boys.

Tammyz said...

Yes, Gams!! The car was totally joint project of my guys! They had so much fun making it and were BOTH thrilled with how well Mad Motor did!! :D

CarJax said...

Yay Team Z!! I love these pictures. Did you get any video? You know you can download video onto your blog through Picasa (others too I'm sure). Just saying... :O) Love U, Jax

P.S. Hey Debbie, throw me a bone over on my blog. LOL! Hugs 2 U 2.