Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hearts of PURE Gold...

Being a mom certainly has it's ups and downs...yesterday frustration was running high with a huge headache and two kids that seemed to be bickering FAR more than having fun with each other. It was a rough mommy day. Today was a fresh new start, as each day is, and it happened to be a GREAT mommy day! I have been praying for David in the past few weeks about something I have seen creeping into his life...jealousy...he has got some competition for the first time in his little life. God gave me the perfect opportunity to talk with him about it today!! I reminded him that God made him like nobody else, that he is a totally unique and valuable! I told him that when he is jealous he is focusing on this other boy and not on Jesus. And, this other little guy does not know Jesus yet...I told him with a wrong attitude he probably won't take opportunities to share Jesus with him. The light bulb went on and he totally understood. "Thank You, Jesus!" Then on the way to church tonight the kids were just cracking me up with jokes and silly songs they were making up. In the middle of all that Kymi said, "Mama, Jesus is my BEST friend!! I love Him and He loves me!! Isn't that GREAT?!!!" Wow!! I pray that is something she knows in her heart everyday of her life and that her thoughts and actions reflect the grace and love that she knows today!! The "cherry" on top was during prayers before was part of David's "And God, I pray for Mr. Kelly that You would make him well. I pray that Caleb and the rest of their family will not be scared or sad. And, Jesus, if Mr Kelly does die, I thank you that he gets to be with You and that someday so will all his family. Thank you, Jesus. Amen" From the mouth of babes!! More than anything I want my kids to KNOW Jesus, to have an unshakable faith in His grace and love for them and to walk with Him ALL the days of their lives. I am such a poor reflection of that grace and love for my kids sometimes; though and I know that where they will first learn it is at home... days like today remind me that God's grace covers my parenting too!! :D I am so thankful that He will and IS revealing Himself to them in spite of me as much as He is through me. I LOVE that about my Jesus!! I will praise His Name forever!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


HA!!!! What a RIOT!! We laughed SO hard on our big night out!! Our parents wanted to watch all the kids and treat us to a night on the town (or at least for fancy fondue) to celebrate Kim & Dave's new Colorado house. They packed really light and all Kim had to wear were white mom borrowed her a pair of sandals that made her CA feet too cold so socks were added. :D Dave gave her a ride to the car so her socks wouldn't get wet...hysterical!!! We continued laughing and having a wonderful time all night!! What a special memory!!

FABULOUS Burson Visit!!

We had another fabulous spring break visit from my sister Kim and her fam this time!! WOW!!! We have been SO blessed with visits from family!! We are very thankful to now have a guest room for them all to stay comfortably!! Last time they visited us we were in our tiny Alaska home...boy way that cozy!!! :D This visit was filled with dress-up, star wars, webkinz, spring SNOW (FUN for CA cousins who do not get to see that very much!!!) yummy meals (thanks Grammy!!), Focus on the Family, hikes, playing at the park, bike rides, AND house hunting!! Kim & Dave looked at lots and BOUGHT one!! YES!!! They are moving HERE this very summer!! Our kids will go to the same school (except for Bren who is in high school already!! Wow, how time flies!!)!! God is so good and gives THE best gifts!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

We had a marvelous time celebrating the fact that JESUS IS RISEN!! My uncle was in town with my cousin, Destiny and the kids loved celebrating with her!! They played dress up, colored eggs with Grammy, watched it snow HUGE snowflakes, made Easter lambs, watched Mr. Bean (TOO funny!!), found baskets, re-told the Resurrection story with our new playset and Resurrection eggs, ate yummy food AND CANDY GALORE. We SO enjoyed Easter service at church, dressing up (Kymi took a bit to warm to that idea...her dress was TOO fancy and she did NOT want to be like Nancy!!!) and just spending the day resting with the fam...notice Greg at his usual spot on the couch! :D I LOVE Easter and what it represents...I am His and He is mine!! His banner over me is LOVE!! Resurrection Sunday blessings to you all!! xoxoxox

LOOK, Christine!! I colored my eggs with silk!! I have learned much from this first attempt and they will be even better next year I hope. It was FUN!! I will be looking at garage sales for silk ties this summer to be sure! :D Thanks for sharing!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

HAPPY Birthday, Gams!!!

Of course our package for you is late, Gams... (will we EVER get our acts together??) but, we could not pass up the opportunity to say we hope this year is your happiest, most filled with love, joy and peace!! We think you are...
Family First
Animal Lover
Beautiful Smiler :D
a Giver
a Faithful Twin Cities Attender :D
Daisy Lover
Beautiful on the inside and out!
We love you and miss you!! We wish we could be there to celebrate wonderful YOU!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

They grow SO fast...

I imagine my "babies" won't be able to take baths together much longer...they are getting so big. I captured this "splash" in my heart because as I listened to my kids FUN conversation about captured Jedi and puking alligators my heart just smiled. They are best friends and they have such a blast together most days (they can also fight somethin' fierce too :#!!). I love being their mom and I pray every day that they will be best friends always!!