Monday, April 6, 2009

They grow SO fast...

I imagine my "babies" won't be able to take baths together much longer...they are getting so big. I captured this "splash" in my heart because as I listened to my kids FUN conversation about captured Jedi and puking alligators my heart just smiled. They are best friends and they have such a blast together most days (they can also fight somethin' fierce too :#!!). I love being their mom and I pray every day that they will be best friends always!!


Christine said...

Awwwe, you are wise to enjoy and take it all in, cuz it really does go by way to swiftly. When I clicked onto your page I though I was back on my page...I started laughing...we have twin pages!!! lol Isn't that little chicken adorable! Have a Blessed week and a wonderful Easter!

Tammyz said...

Yes!! I saw your cute page today and had to get me one for myself!! :D

CarJax said...

Oh how I miss your family. Your kids are sooo precious and beautiful - and growing way too fast. Thanks for the new post and this great picture. :) Love U! Jax

Christine said...

LOL Yeah I was telling Jackie that I clicked on your blog and thought I was back on my own blog...I was like what did I do wrong...but then noticed my family looked like yours..and it was yours! Doesn't take much to confuse me or amuse me!