Tuesday, April 21, 2009

FABULOUS Burson Visit!!

We had another fabulous spring break visit from my sister Kim and her fam this time!! WOW!!! We have been SO blessed with visits from family!! We are very thankful to now have a guest room for them all to stay comfortably!! Last time they visited us we were in our tiny Alaska home...boy way that cozy!!! :D This visit was filled with dress-up, star wars, webkinz, spring SNOW (FUN for CA cousins who do not get to see that very much!!!) yummy meals (thanks Grammy!!), Focus on the Family, hikes, playing at the park, bike rides, AND house hunting!! Kim & Dave looked at lots and BOUGHT one!! YES!!! They are moving HERE this very summer!! Our kids will go to the same school (except for Bren who is in high school already!! Wow, how time flies!!)!! God is so good and gives THE best gifts!!

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