Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We made it to our new home!!!

Yea!! We are here at last. We arrived last night about 9pm. Grammy and Grampa were very excited to see us, though we woke them up!! (Early 2 bed & early 2 rise guys...) They got our new keys and let us into our new pad. Grammy was very sweet to stock us up with basics and Grampa has been working on the lawn. I have to say, we had the best night sleep we have had in weeks...probaby months. Greg and I are making a punch list of things to do and is excited 2 start even though he just worked so hard on the last house. Oh, he is feeling MUCH better! So, thanks for your thoughts and prayers. The weather here? A sunny 80 deg. and holding!! WOW!!! I think we might experience a summer season this year after all!!!! Today we will get phones, school sign-ups, milk, etc. More later....


CarJax said...

As we say at FCC, "Welcome Home!" I'm so glad you made it safe and sound. Grandma & Grandpa sound like some GOOD PEOPLE. I am sure they are thrilled to have you there now. And what's this? 80 degrees!? I never heard of such a thing! Right now it's 41 degrees in the LIQUID sunshine. And yet, it is the beautiful Fall season here so I can't complain. Keep us updated as you can and have a great day! Love U, Jax & fam

littleboyblue said...

Yes, yes, WELCOME HOME!! I thought about you all day yesterday and couldn't wait to get this message that you are there!
Less than an hour and we will have some news for you. It has been quite the morning getting that far. I will tell you more about that later.
Glad you had a great nights sleep.
I bet the kids are enjoying running around checking out their new pad.
Love ya,

snowwhite said...

Glad you made it safely and Greg is feeling better. Camping is fun, but there is nothing better than sleeping in your own bed. I'm sure the kids are excited about having their own rooms. Just think, Tammy you have all that space to fill. Does that spell "yard sales"? It is nice that you have sun and 80 degree weather to greet you. Sounds pretty much like what we are having here right now. I bet that has a lot to do with Greg's recovery. Thanks for letting us travel along with you. I know you are going to love your new home in CS. Also it is great that you are near your parents.

littleboyblue said...

I'm really sorry that you didn't answer your phone earlier today. Russ, Monica and I were just crackin' up. Wish you could have been there!!

Love ya,

Unknown said...

We are glad to hear you made it safely and that Greg is feeling better. "New pad; we want a new pad! We sure miss owning our own house; but God has blessed us with an apartment for now. I sure miss those nice warm sunny Colorado days!

Trudy said...

Whoa, 80 degrees, it makes me sweat! Glad you made it. Sorry I missed all the excitement. So, Barb is having a boy. I thought the name change said it all. Barb, you need to eat more jalepenos and put some hair on his chest. Send us pictures asap!!

Tammyz said...

Trudy!!! You make me laugh so hard!! Yes, as soon as we get high-speed I will send pics...

Tammyz said...

Thanks to all for your well wishes!! Yes, the sunshine is great! AND, we found an estate sale today where I found the best mirror (reminds me of my Gram). Life is good. Love 2 all.