Thursday, September 18, 2008

We're back in comunicado...

Oh, I had the longest and best update yesterday and alas, it was sucked up in the abyss...such a bummer. I will try and catch you up quickly before this crashes. We made it to Edmonton last night (last niht was Dawson sightings of Katie Holmes though...) We will go to the waterpark today....YEA!!! We are all ready to give our biscuts a break and give the seats a chanse to re-fluff. We are no closer to CO than AK... WOW!


littleboyblue said...

Hey Tam,
Tomorrow the book club is meeting at Ray's for lunch, would you like to join us? If so, just give me a question, about the book, that we can discuss while there.
I'm going to suggest the next book we read is "The Year of Living Biblically" by AJ Jacobs. Russ started this book and said it is about a man, Jewish, who lives a year according to the Old Testiment. Since we are going to spend the next 40 weeks, at church, reading the OT, then I thought this book might be interesting. Check it out and see what you think.


Tammyz said...

That book sounds great!! I will get it and read it even if it isn't chosen...I am sureit will tho as it IS perfect. Let's question is. "When is a time you had a great victory in forgiveness?"