Thursday, September 11, 2008

We're off...

Our "unofficial" start was last night in Anchorage from the Hennings. We were prayed for and sent on our way by the Hennings and representatives from te Galovins, with a huge sign from the Kraffts at the Eagle River overpass. We feel so loved! Today will be our "official" start from the Bonnettes in Wasilla. What fun we have had here!! Thanks to all of you dear ones for all your prayers and support!!! You have made Alaska home to us!! You will be GREATLY missed!! More later...


CarJax said...

Have a wonderful trip. We will be praying for you! MUCHO LOVE, Jax

littleboyblue said...

We are looking forward to May/June. Maybe I should let Russ know that for my birthday I would like a plane ticket to come and visit you!! We are praying for your safe trip and that you get there before it snows:o)
Don't forget to stop at Border City Lodge, my introduction to the Last Frontier!! Have a safe journey. Looking forward to all your posts!
Love ya tons,

Trudy said...

We are so blessed we got to have you for 7 wonderful years! Glad we got to see you before you vaMOOSEd! Keep in touch, we really CARIBOUt you!! See you next year!
Love ya friend!

Tammyz said...

THANKS for the posts gals!!!!! I miss you all so much already! Yes!!! Be planning your visits!!! I'm counting on them!!