Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mom's and Beyond

Hello! Today Kymi and I went to one of Woodman Valley Chapel's Mom's groups and it was SO wonderful!! It felt like "Mom's" and Faith...I was welcomed and felt so at home. It was so funny...the gal who met me in the parking lot and introduced me to everyone was their childcare coordinator! And she does an amazing job!! I wonder what my role will be there? Maybe I will just "soak it all in" for a while. One of Kymi's teachers has 2 adopted Chinese daughters and she just loved my Kymi!! I love my new car too. (I tried to take a pic, but, was not able to get a good one yet...I am still trying to negotiate all the sunshine here...heehee!) Please keep praying about Greg's job and where will be best for him to work. There you have it...a little update! Love, Tammy for all the Z's


snowwhite said...

Thanks for the update Tammy. I'm glad you and Kymi enjoyed your new Mom's group. I'm sure Kymi will have no trouble making new friends. She is such an extrovert. Takes after you. Also thanks to Greg calling at the crack of dawn, I heard all about your great new car. He and Jamie are birds of a feather. They are both early birds and have no problem calling in the morning. It's ok though because that's how I am. While most people are sleeping, we are talking like it's the middle of the day.
I'm glad all is well and I will continue to pray for Greg to get the job that he likes.
Love to all,

CarJax said...

Hey Tam, Fun seeing you on my blog! I'm so glad you had such an awesome experience at the Mom's group. How cool is that? Hey, have you contacted Rhonnie yet? Was wondering about that. When you do, tell her and Les hi from us. We'll be praying for Greg's job sitch. Post a picture of those cutie pie kids again. And you too. I miss you!! How much is a nice house down in CO Springs?? And what is the temp today? Just curious. :O) Hugs, Jax