Thursday, October 2, 2008

At long!!!

Are you happy out there? (I know I am!! I didn't honestly think I would figure it out without a desperate call to Jax!!) I need to download more from my camera and will post more tomorrow... Off to bed for now... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


CarJax said...

I'm happy, I'm happy!!! Thanks for ALL THE GREAT PICTURES, Tam! I might have to steal one or two and put them on MY blog. Ha! They are all terrific. But makes me miss your sweet family all the more. Hey, call me any time (on my cell) if you have a question. Love U, Jax

littleboyblue said...

Exactly how many pictures did you take on your adventure? Thanks for sharing them. We need some of your new home.
