Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fall Fun...

Although our weather here is sunny and in the 70's, we do have color in the trees and Kyni was ready for some taffy apples! David's new joke... "My mouth fell in love with this taffy apple, they got married and birthed a child named, YUM!!!!" Too cute, huh?!! Anyway, David also enjoyed rollerskating with AWANA last night! And, I met the MIT leader and co-leader for our school. I will go pray with them tomorrow mornin' at 8am. YEA!!! I feel like I'm really making some great connections...God is GOOD!!!!


CarJax said...

That is so cool about the great connections you are making. And thanks for the pictures of David & Kymi. Too cute about David's saying! Also, I LOVE your house (and car). Love it! Keep up the great blogging (when you can). Love, Jax

Unknown said...

Cute picture of Kymi eating her caramel apple! Keep up the great picture taking.