Wednesday, October 22, 2008

SNOW!!!! Do you think it's our fault???

Ahh, the air is crisp and clean smelling...I love it!!! I have to say though that CS is a bit on the wimpy side when it comes to the cold outside recess even though it's sunny and warm as well. It's good for us though as we have not found snow boots, mits or gloves yet. :{ So, here you go Jax...a new post. Love to all! OH...we have our new carpet in downstairs and the walls look GREAT! The bathroom is darling and we will start "moving in" to our new bedrooms as soon as Greg gets the trim back up. YEA!!!


CarJax said...

Hee hee...maybe it's my fault. No! Just kidding! Snow in October in CS? Crazy! Of course it won't stay though. I can't wait to see pics of your place when you're all done. And tell Kymi that every time I see her picture I also think to myself, "Hey, that's Kymi. I love her!" I love that she loves me too. xoxoxo...Thanks for the new post Tam! Huggles back, Jax

P.S. I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Turner. I will be praying for sure.

littleboyblue said...

Kymi, I see you have your Alaska Forget Me Not socks on!! Love the window sticker!!

Monica and I went to Target, just to LOOK at what your bathroom decoration were. Well, so much for looking, we spent money on some cute monkey things. You know we are planning on doing frogs in our bathroom also, so that may be where I buy my goodies. I do need to get wallpaper though. I did pick up the shower curtain for starters.

David, my girls are very jealous that you got to meet one of the Odyssey writers! Lucky day for you though.

Hugs to all of you.


Trudy said...

love from Wasilla!!

Trudy said...


snowwhite said...

Thanks for the pics Tammy. I think there is a song about frost on the pumpkin. You just had a little taste of winter. I'm sure it has warmed up and feels balmy compared to AK's right now. I enjoyed seeing Greg and Kymi and your beautiful new car. We are having an Indian Summer here. It has been in the low 80's all week. My friend Nell, and I took a nice walk through NC this morning and took pictures of all the gorgeous trees in their fall colors. I always feel blessed to live in such a beautiful area.
Ducky wants to send you Grace's picture that she just had taken for her 4th birthday. Could you email me your new address.
Love to all,

Unknown said...

Okay, you have to do better than that; we up here in Alaska will surpass you guys with the snow, he,he =) Emily and I are not looking forward to another long cold Alaskan winter. It is good hear you guys are having fun in Colorado Springs and that your house projects are moving right along. Oh, wait until you guys get ice on the streets, sometimes the schools will do a two hour delay unlike Alaska.

CarJax said...

Tam, I missed you at Chick Church last night! It was excellent as always. We (Katie and I) found Monica and the girls and sat by them. Wish you were with us! Is it too much to ask to have you fly in for the next one?

Gigantopithecus said...

I love that bumpersticker on your window, Tammy. I haven't seen it anywhere before.

It was great talking to Greg last weekend. It sounds like the move went better than expected and you will comfortably settle into your new home this winter.

Keep a log of the contrast in snow levels & temperatures with Anchorage just for fun.

All the best.

I'm moving south.